Write FROM.ģ1 EYE Please shut one EYE and look at this. Write LOUD.ģ0 FROM Our teacher comes FROM Sydney. Write DART.Ģ9 LOUD Your voice is too LOUD. Write SEEMĢ8 DART I threw a DART at the dartboard.

Write THIN.Ģ6 DATE What is the DATE today? Write DATE.Ģ7 SEEM The shop did not SEEM to be open. Write FIRE.Ģ5 THIN The THIN cat squeezed through the fence. Write FOOD.Ģ4 FIRE We need dry sticks to start the FIRE. Write CHOP.Ģ3 FOOD We must take FOOD to the picnic. Write SHIP.Ģ2 CHOP The butcher will CHOP the meat. Write OF.ġ9 WHO WHO was knocking at the door? Write WHOĢ0 HERE Put the box over HERE. Write ARE.ġ7 OF I am not sure OF your name. Write ME.ġ6 ARE Animals ARE in the field. Write SO.ġ5 ME This present is not for ME. Write GO.ġ4 SO You did that job SO quickly. Write BEG.ġ1 THE Is this the TOY you want? Write TOY.ġ2 GO I will GO to the shops after school. Write MUD.ġ0 BEG I taught my dog to BEG for a biscuit. Write PLAN.ĩ MUD I got MUD on my shoes when it rained. Write SIT.Ĩ PLAN I used to PLAN to make this model. Write VAN.ħ SIT Please SIT on this chair. Write HOT.Ĥ VAN The lady can drive a VAN. 35 ANY Are there ANY cakes left? Write ANY.Ģ HOT The water in the bath is HOT. 34 DONE What have you DONE with your book? Write DONE. 32 FIGHT I saw two dogs FIGHT in the park. 31 EYE Please shut one EYE and look at this. Write SEEM 28 DART I threw a DART at the dartboard. 27 SEEM The shop did not SEEM to be open. 26 DATE What is the DATE today? Write DATE. 25 THIN The THIN cat squeezed through the fence. 24 FIRE We need dry sticks to start the FIRE. 19 WHO WHO was knocking at the door? Write WHO 20 HERE Put the box over HERE. 12 GO I will GO to the shops after school. 11 THE Is this the TOY you want? Write TOY. 10 BEG I taught my dog to BEG for a biscuit. 9 MUD I got MUD on my shoes when it rained. 8 PLAN I used to PLAN to make this model. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN SPELLING TEST (SAST ) 1 ON Please put your shoe ON.